
Donations and payments

Covid Relief

How to give

Here you will find different ways how to give or make a payment.

Your donation makes a difference! Thank you for your support. Every dollar we receive goes to changing lives. We take your gifts seriously, and we make every effort to maximize your investment in this ministry.

Online Giving

Wire transfers

When making an international wire transfer please be as detailed as possible and do not use abbreviations. For reasons of incorporation within Costa Rica the name of the account is:

Asociación Centro Internacional Misionero de Entrenamiento y Cruzadas de Costa Rica 

Cédula Jurídica: 3-002-350291

Bank Name: Banco de Costa Rica
Account number: 001-0243948-4

Bank’s physical address:
BCR,San José
Costa Rica


If you choose the option to make a wire transfer to our bank, please take into account there is a $45 approx. service fee charged by the bank in Costa Rica. These charges are the responsibility of the staff or student to whom you are donating. This also applies to teams who wire funds. Please include this payment in the fees that you are sending.

After wiring, please email a brief confirmation note of the transfer to mentioning your name, organization, date, amount of the transfer and reference numbers and the purpose of the transfer.

Checks in USA

Donations in the US are tax deductible (501c3), you will receive a tax deductible receipt after the check is accepted. Student or other payments are not tax deductible.

Pay to the Order of: 
YWAM-Costa Rica

Mail to:
Youth With A Mission Costa Rica
3713 Marquette Street
Dallas, TX, Zip Code: 75225

Checks in Costa Rica

Make check payable to: Asoc. Ctro Internac. Misionero de Entren. y Cruzadas de C.R, as this is our legal name in Costa Rica. Send an email to indicating the detail of the donation with the name of the recipient and send the check to the following mailing address:

YWAM San José
Apartado 252-2070
Sabanilla Montes de Oca
San José, Costa Rica

Attached to the check please include a note detailing the donation.


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